Edgar Allan Poe’s Gothic Horror vs. Modern Horror Reading Passage, Q & A, and Note-Taking Sheets

Edgar Allan Poe’s Gothic Horror vs. Modern Horror Reading Passage, Q & A, and Note-Taking Sheets


Thumbnail Cover - Edgar Allan Poe's Gothic Horros vs Modern Horror Reading Passage, Q & A, and Note-Taking Sheets
Thumbnail Cover – Edgar Allan Poe’s Gothic Horror vs Modern Horror Reading Passage, Q & A, and Note-Taking Sheets

This Edgar Allan Poe Gothic horror vs. modern horror reading passage, Q&A, and note-taking sheets for upper middle to high school students.


Dive into the eerie world of Edgar Allan Poe and modern horror with this engaging resource!  This resource includes a detailed reading passage comparing Gothic horror and modern horror styles, focusing on Edgar Allan Poe’s mastery of suspense and fear.  Along with comprehension questions and note-taking sheets, this resource is perfect for upper-middle to high school students studying horror fiction.  Whether you’re analyzing Poe’s dark, haunting narratives or contemporary horror, this resource will help your students sharpen their analytical skills.

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