Are You Looking for Engaging Bible Curriculum for Toddlers or Preschoolers? has developed a full Bible curriculum for preschoolers and toddlers.
This is the digital file of the Teaching the Bible Units 1-12. (See Samples Below). The following lessons are included:
Unit 1: Creation (including the Creation Book), Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham and Issac, and Jacob and Esau
Unit 2: Jacob and Joseph, Moses and the Exodus, Jericho, and Ruth
Unit 3: Samuel, David as the Shepherd, David & Goliath/David as King, Elijah
Unit 4: Naaman, Queen Esther, Shadrach and Meshach and Abendnego, Daniel and the Lion’s Den, and Jonah
Unit 5: An Angel Visits Mary, John is Born, Jesus in Born, and An Angry King
Unit 6: Jesus is Baptized, Jesus Calls his Disciples, Jesus Calms the Storm, Jesus Walks on Water, Jesus Heals the Blind Man
Unit 7: Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man, Jesus heals Jairus’ Daughter, Mary and Martha
Unit 8: Parables: The Sower, The Good Samaritan, The Sheep and Coin Found, The Prodigal Son, Feeding the 5000
Unit 9: The Easter Story
Unit 10: The Holy Spirit Comes, the Early Church, Paul’s Conversion, Peter Escaping Prison
Unit 11: Paul Journeys: Paul and Silas’ Journey, Paul has a Shipwreck/Paul bitten by a Snake, Paul in and out of Jail
Unit 12: What is Heaven like, Jesus is coming back
Old Testament
New Testament
Please check out Teaching With Faith’s website:
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